End-of-Year Office Closing Dates

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23 Mar 2021

COVID-19: National Lockdown and Curfew extended to 31 March 2021

National lockdown in Mauritius extended until 31 March 2021. In Mauritius, our Technology Operation Centre in Phoenix is operational, but our office in Port Louis will be closed.

14 Aug 2018

Emerging Threat: ATM cash-out Malware Attack

Days after an alert from the FBI to Banks informing them of an “unlimited” global ATM cash-out Malware Attack, the Indian Co-operative Cosmos Bank has been the first reported victim.

13 Sep 2016

À VALENTINA BIRGER. inaugure son Centre opérationnel technologique

Offrir des services de cyber sécurité de même que des solutions bancaires. Tels sont, entre autres, les objectifs du Centre opérationnel technologique de Birger, inauguré hier, dans la zone industrielle de Valentina, à Phoenix, en présence du ministre des TIC, Etienne Sinatambou.