14 Mar 2020
Coronavirus Disease 2019: ATM Cleaning Recommendations
Following Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic across the globe, BIRGER. encourages banks to take preventive measures to clean their ATM surfaces.
NCR, the world leading ATM supplier for whom BIRGER. is the distributor in the Indian Ocean Islands, has set up a NCRCovid-19 Taskforce, and NCR recommends the following cleaning measures for ATMs:
- On all NCR ATMs, use diluted detergent solution.
- Fascia and external panel surfaces can be cleaned using a lint-free cloth, dampened with either a general surface cleaner or diluted detergent solution i.e. washing liquid and warm water. Then clean these surfaces with a dry-lint free cloth.
- Covers of barcode readers, scanners and cameras can be cleaned as per point 2 above.
- NCR touch screens can be cleaned using Isopropyl Alcohol.
- Paint, grease or dirt can be removed from all surfaces, except keyboards, by applying a cotton dampened with isopropyl or ethyl alcohol. Do not clean keyboards vandalised by paint. These keyboards should be replaced.
- All surfaces should then be cleaned as normal.
For more information regarding cleaning of ATMs in respect Covid-19, NCR recommends the CDC website - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for latest prevention measures.
Click here for more details regarding steps taken by NCR.
For more information on the topic and our Technology Solutions & Services, please contact us by mail technology@birger.technology.