Ryuk Ransomware is back

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28 May 2021

Covid-19 National Lockdown in Mauritius extended to 30 June 2021

National lockdown in Mauritius has been extended to 30 June 2021. Please be informed that our Guidelines for Resumption of Work at the office in Mauritius remain the same.

14 Sep 2016

BIRGER. mise Rs 60M sur un centre technologique

Le centre comprend sept bureaux locatifs, deux centres d’opérations, un amphithéâtre pouvant accueillir plus de 75 personnes, une cantine, un Datacentre de 100 m2, un dortoir et des facilités de stationnement pour plus de 50 véhicules.

19 Sep 2018

Emerging Threat: NCR Security Alert

NCR is releasing a critical APTRA XFS platform firmware component update for both the S1 and the S2 dispensers.