12 May 2021
Business Continuity Awareness Week (BCAW)
Business Continuity Awareness Week (BCAW) is the annual global event which aims at raising awareness on Resiliency. This year’s campaign will run from 17 to 21 May under the theme “Business continuity starts with you”.
To raise awareness, BIRGER. will:
- Organise Personalised Online presentations for its clients
- Publish 3 interviews in Business Magazine:
- BIRGER. Cyber Security Survey by Parwez on 12th May
- Resiliency Awareness by Frederic on 19th May
- Digital Strategies for Cyber and Organisational Resiliency by Kavish on 26th May
- Launch a new Business Continuity Management (BCM) module on PartnerIT on Monday 17 May 2021
Stay Secure and Safe